# Melbourne Tourist README Matthew Gedye https://blog.gedye.me Updated: 2024-07-20 202403-ivanhoe-1: A delightful sculpture of a goanna in the park near the home we're renting in Ivanhoe. 202404-tri-skeleton: Part of an exhibit that was running at the Melbourne Museum not long after we first arrived. As a big dinosaur fan I was in awe of this triceratops skeleton. 202405-dandenongs: These photos were taken in the Dandenong Ranges National Park in May, 2024 about a forty-five minute drive from home. I hope to add more as we take more trips out that way 202406-mcg: I used to work at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. It never ocurred to me when I lived in Melbourne previously to take photos of this incredible stadium. Photo 3 is of legendary spin bowler Shane Warne. The statue was built in his lifetime, but he sadly passed away in 2022. One of the best to ever play the game, his legacy will live forever. 202406-qvm: A shot on my phone of some of Melbourne's skyscrapers as viewed from the Queen Victoria Market. We ventured in on this particular day in June to attend the Portugese Festival. 202406-rbg: Only three of what could have potentially been hundreds of photos taken in the Royal Botanical Gardens. Again, I hope we return many more times to take even more photos. There's so much to see. 202406-skyline: My favourite skyline in the world. I take shots of it often from different areas around the city. 202406-southbank: Barely twenty minutes on the train in Ivanhoe and we'll be at Flinders Street. Then it's a short walk to Southbank and everything on offer there from views of the city, river ferry tours, and more bars and restaurants than one could count.