# Birding 2024 README Matthew Gedye https://blog.gedye.me Updated: 2024-07-19 202404-australian-pelican: There's a boardwalk at the bottom of the garden where my aunt and uncle live in Eden. It goes most of the way around a lake. The pelicans are frequent visitors (Eden, NSW, AUS). 202404-galah-1 & 202404-galah-2: I love these parrots. So striking in thier plumage. This one was just chilling in a tree at my aunt and uncle's place in Eden. It let me get very close. 202404-king-parot-1, 202404-king-parrot-2, 202404-king-parrot-3: The highlight of the bird watching I did while visiting my aunt and uncle for Easter. I observed these two from the balcony through the binoculers and when I saw them fly closer I went out after them with the camera. I had to get on all fours and tollerate lots of dirt in order to get close and stay hidden. They in turn tollerated me for a lengthy period of time. The mostly green parrot is the female while the orange one is the male.