# Birding 2023 README Matthew Gedye https://blog.gedye.me Updated: 2024-07-19 202301-eastern-phoebe: Eastern Phoebe photographed at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. These are delightful birds that always come just that little bit closer than other small birds to investigate. 202301-eb-bird: Eastern Blue Bird. I thought this shot looked quite artsy with the dew on the branches. Photographed at Lake Crabtree, NC, USA. 202301-gb-heron: Great Blue Heron at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. My wife photographed this one while it was fishing. 202301-rt-hawk-1 & 202301-rt-hawk-2: These are two of about thirty photos I took of this juvenile red-tailed hawk at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. It is one of my most memorable bird encouters to-date. I watched it for over an hour as it eyed out a fish in the shallow marsh before flying down, and almost 'pawing' at it like a cat would. Then it picked it up and flew to a nearby branch and allowed me to get very close while it was feeding. 202302-pileated-woodpecker: This is the best photo I've thus far been able to manage of a pileated woodpecker. Again, it was taken at Apex Community Park, but these birds are very challenging to get close to. 202303-northern-cardinal-1 & 202303-northern-cardinal-2: This stunning male was one of many that came to visit us at our home in Apex, NC, USA. After changing the type of birdseed I used, we were inundated with cardinals. It was delightful. 202311-rs-hawk: I consider this particular Red-Shouldered-Hawk to be my son's first bird. He was days old, maybe two weeks when we took him on his first bird walk to Apex Community Park (NC, USA) and found this beautiful specimen. 202312-bald-eagle-1: Winter is eagle time in Apex. I can't say for sure if this was one of the same breeding pair from the year before, but they nested in the same tree. This was incredibly high up, I'm shocked the camera took such a clear photograph. We weren't long for leaving the US when we took this photo and even today, I'm astounded by the bird life at Apex Community Park. 202312-bald-eagle-2: Trying to capture flying birds is never easy. I put the camera away after getting this one, and then just sat on a bench and watched it soar. Stunning birds. 202312-barred-owl: New Year's Eve 2023. I was determined I wasn't leaving the US without seeing a barred owl in the wild. I couldn't believe our luck when my wife happened to overhear a pair of women talking about an owl while we were out walking at (you guessed it) Apex Community Park. My wife ran over to where the bird was supposed to be with the camera, and sure enough, there it was. We stayed immersed in that moment for well over an hour (until the owl had had enough and flew off). A wonderful sighting. For sure one of my favourites in the US. As we rounded back to the carpark we saw the eagles referred to above^. Maybe our best ever birdwalk. We were convinced our baby was our good luck charm. 202312-gb-heron: Sometimes with common birds, the fun in photographing is trying to get them from different angles. (Apex Community Park, NC, USA). 202312-rb-woodpecker: I tried forever to get a good shot of a red-bellied wodpecker. This is the best I managed before we moved, but at least it's distinctive red racing stripe is visible.