# Birding 2022 README Matthew Gedye https://blog.gedye.me Updated 2024-07-19 202211-carolina-wren: Carolina Wren photographed at Apex Community Park, NC, USA 202211-gb-heron: Great Blue Heron photographed at Apex Community Park, NC, USA 202211-gw-egret-1 & 202211-gw-egret-2: Great white egret photographed at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. Number 2 zoomed out to show the fantastic autumn (or fall) foliage. 202211-northern-cardinal: My wife photographed this female in Duke Gardens, NC, USA. 202211-rs-hawk-1 & 202211-rs-hawk-2: The same bird (red-shouldered hawk) from different angles. Photographed at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. This was the first of many fantastic shots I've taken of a red-shouldered hawk. 202211-rt-hawk: This red-tailed hawk is my first 'official' photograph as bird watcher. I got home after this walk declaring "I like birds now." It was the only one I saw on the whole 90 minute walk, but this particular hawk is in the process of consuming a snake. It was a wonderful sighting. 202212-bald-eagle-1: A very special photo. This was taken on Christmas Eve in -18 degrees celsius (that's what my weather app said when factoring in the wind chill). Only four days prior, my wife and I learned that our first pregnancy had ended in a miscarriage. Seeing this stunning eagle at our local park was magnificent enough, but the fact that it allowed me so close was extra special given the circumstances. Photographed at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. 202212-mallard: We saw lots of mallards at Apex Community Park, NC, USA. This is my favourite of all the photos I've taken of them. 202212-rs-hawk: NOT Apex Community Park. My wife shot this stunning red-shouldered hawk at Lake Wheeler near Raleigh in NC, USA. We went looking for owls that evening.