# Photo Albums README Matthew Gedye https://blog.gedye.me I choose not to share photos of my family and friends publicly, so this collection of albums consist mostly of wildlife and scenery. Updated: 2024-07-19 Below is a directory tree showing how to navigate to all albums. Each album contains a README.txt file detailing the photos in that album. Below the directory tree are brief descriptions of each album. /photo-albums/ /photo-albums/bird-watching/ /photo-albums/bird-watching/2022/ /photo-albums/bird-watching/2023/ /photo-albums/bird-watching/2024/ /photo-albums/melbourne-tourist/ /photo-albums/melbourne-tourist/2024 /photo-albums/wildlife-sanctuaries/ /photo-albums/wildlife-sanctuaries/dlc /photo-albums/wildlife-sanctuaries/healesville/ /photo-albums/wildlife-sanctuaries/nc-zoo/ ## Bird-Watching Photos from bird walks or from the backyward. Organised by year. ## Melbourne Tourist Taking photos around Melbourne 'as a tourist would' while living in the city. ## Wildlife Sanctuaries Photos from excursions to wildlife sancturies. dlc: Duke Lemur Centre in Durham, North Carolina, United States of America healesville: Healesville Sanctuary in Healesville, Victoria, Australia nc-zoo: North Carolina Zoo in Ashboro, North Carolina, United States of America